Ukrainian Government to Request Platform to Stop Selling “Atomic Heart”

The Ukrainian government has announced that platform companies must stop selling the popular game “Atomic Heart” in Ukraine due to concerns about its ties to Russia and potential propaganda.

Ukrainian Government to Request Platform to Stop Selling "Atomic Heart"

As reported by Ukrainian IT media outlet, “Atomic Heart,” developed by Russian team Mundfish, has gained widespread popularity thanks to its lead actress “Robot twins” and the memorable fridge “Nora.” Despite its popularity, the Ukrainian government is calling on Sony, Microsoft, and Valve to remove the game from their digital stores in Ukraine and restrict its release in other countries and regions.

Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Alex Bornyakov, explained in a press release that “Atomic Heart” has received sponsorship from Russian companies during its development, and the revenue generated could be used to support Russia’s aggressive actions against Ukraine. Furthermore, the game has the potential to collect user data and promote the Soviet Union and its ideology.

Bornyakov urged users worldwide to avoid playing the game, citing concerns about its ties to Russia and potential propaganda.

Twins: Left and Right

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Ukrainian Government to Request Platform to Stop Selling "Atomic Heart"


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