The anime adaptation of Masamune Shirow’s masterpiece manga, “Heavenly Delusion,” has announced its official release date for April 1st, along with a new trailer that features the show’s opening theme song, “Innocent Arrogance,” created and performed by BiSH.
The manga version of “Heavenly Delusion” was awarded the first-place prize in the “This Manga Is Amazing 2019!” awards. The story follows a group of children living in a world surrounded by a beautiful wall. One day, a message from an unknown source asking, “Do you want to go outside?”, revealing the flaws in their supposed paradise. Thus begins the great adventure of the young boys and girls.
The anime adaptation of “Heavenly Delusion” is produced by the renowned animation company Production I.G, known for producing works such as “Psycho Pass” and “Ghost in the Shell.” The director of the series is Mori Hirotaka. Fans can look forward to more updates and announcements as the release date approaches.